Cultural Consultant

Our Digital Cutural Incubator allows creatives to hatch their projects on our website.

Fatima Zohra, the actress - M’hammed Kilito, 2017

Fatima Zohra, the actress - M’hammed Kilito, 2017


22 Jul 2020 - 22 Oct 2020


by Interval

INTERVAL is a non-profit cultural initiative, founded by four art enthusiasts; Amina Debbiche, Omar Benmoussa, Oussama Garti and Hamza Slaoui. Their mission is to; widen access to art with new tools and inclusive curatorial work. Debate and bring awareness to the most pressing issues in today's cultural landscape. Promote and support projects with high social impact. The digital exhibition, IM(PULSION), is part of the very first actions of the initiative. It brings together 21 Moroccan artists and will support INSTITUTE TAHAR SEBTI (IST), an inclusive school recognized as public interest since 1956.